Mishio Yamanaka, Ph.D
Historian, Educator & Digital History Practitioner
I am a historian of the American South and a digital history enthusiast. I currently serve as an assistant professor at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Contact: myamanaka*sophia.ac.jp (Change * to @)

Research Interests
Creoles of color in postbellum New Orleans
My primary project explores how Creoles of color, a group of francophone, Catholic, and mixed-race people of Louisiana, pursued their rights to various public institutions including schools, streetcars, and railroads after the Civil War.
Japanese Southerners and the Transpacific South
My next project examines the ways in which Japanese migrants integrated the American South with the transpacific world before and after WWII. It also uncovers how the Jim Crow rule intersected with the Japanese understanding of race, empire, and the transpacific world.
Digital history, mapping, and public history
I am interested in how digital techniques change the way we do history. Digital mapping is a powerful tool to visualize historical materials and offers us a new means to interpret history. Check my Fillmore Boys School in 1877 Project to learn more about my work.