Announcement Article

A New Article: Amerika Kenkyu

“Inasaku to jinshu: 20 seiki shoto no amerika nanbu ni okeru nihonjin” [Race and Rice Farming: Japanese Settlers in the American South at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century]

Amerika kenkyu [The American Review] 58 (2024): 169-88.

My recently published article examined the Japanese migration to the Texas Gulf Coast at the beginning of the twentieth century. Using both Japanese and English primary sources, I argued how anti-Black and anti-Chinese racism shaped the patterns of the Japanese settlement in the Jim Crow South.

The e-version of this article is available through J-STAGE. In the meantime, if you would like a copy, you may also contact me, too. (

Amerika kenkyu is the flagship journal of the Japanese Association for American Studies.

Announcement Article

A New Article: The North Carolina Historical Review

“A College Town in Black and White: The Color Line and Fumiko Seki’s Days in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1955-1957”

North Carolina Historical Review 100 no. 1 (2023): 1-28.

My recently published article examines the memoir compiled and published by Fumiko Seki in 1966. She spent two years at Chapel Hill as a wife, a mother, and an international student of the University of North Carolina.

Seki’s memoir poses a series of important questions that complicates our understanding of the Jim Crow system and the civil rights movement in the 1950s.

  • Why did Southern universities accept non-European international students while refusing to admit Black students?
  • How did non-European international students understand the Jim Crow system and navigate the color line in the post-WWII American South?
  • How did Seki’s Chapel Hill experience have an impact on her life back home in Japan?

Please check out my recent article in the North Carolina Historical Review.

Image credit: “United Nations Day, 24 October 1956,” in the Roland Giduz Photographic Collection P0033, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Announcement Book

A New American History Textbook for Japanese Readers

遠藤泰生、小田悠生編著『はじめて学ぶアメリカの歴史と文化』ミネルヴァ書房、2023年 (ISBN: 978-4-623-09405-9 )

Yasuo Endo and Yuki Oda eds., Hajimete manabu amerika no rekishi to bunka (Introduction to the History and Culture of the United States) (Kyoto: Mineruva Shobo, 2023) .

A new American history textbook for Japanese readers is now available!

This textbook introduces Japanese-speaking readers the basics of American history and culture.

I wrote one short chapter: “Afrika kei Amerika bunka no mebae” (The Birth of African American Culture), which explains how enslaved freedom seekers laid the groundwork for contemporary African American culture. 

For more information, please check the publisher website. Copies are also available on Amazon, Kinokuniya, and other retailers.

Announcement digital history

Read Online: “My Experience as a CDHI Graduate Student Fellow”

Available Online

“My Experience as a Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative Graduate Student Fellow, ” one of my chapters in Topics in Western Digital Humanities is now available to read online. Please check the link below.

山中美潮「1-15.カロライナ・デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ・ イニシアティブ・大学院生フェローの 経験を通じて」●『欧米圏デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの基礎知識』より公開

Announcement digital history

Read Online: “Topics in Western Digital Humanities” For Americanists


Our Guide to Topics in Western Humanities

Throughout this fall, my co-editors and I will post reading guides for Topics in Western Humanities for students and scholars who are interested in dh. As a U.S. historian and digital historian, I wrote my piece for Americanists. Please check the link below.

【連載】vol.1 アメリカ研究者に役立つ本書の読み方ガイド(山中美潮) – DHへの誘い〜『欧米圏デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの基礎知識』専門分野別読書ガイド〜